Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Want to change your mood? use this....

Of the many concepts you learn during an NLP course is a concept called as 'Anchors'. But before anchors a bit on NLP. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. In layman's terms this means using the power of language to influence your state of mind. In other words you condition or program  your brain (the neuro system) with the help of the choice of powerful words and methods to achieve the desired behaviour.

The question is can you really influence and change your behaviour and people around by using the powerful language for mutually beneficial outcomes? On NLP and on this question we will separately see in another blog. For now let's see if we can change our mood by using a concept from NLP called as anchors.

Webster dictionary defines anchor in 3 ways. a. A heavy device that is attached to the boat or ship by a rope or chain and that is thrown into the water to hold that boat or shop in place; b. A person or thing that provides strength and support; c. A large store that attracts customers such as shopping mall.

In the context of NLP, anchor is a stimulus which reminds you of events and can change your state positively to negatively. The stimulus can involve all the senses (eg something you see, hear, feel, taste or smell) and can be internal or external.

An internal anchor is generated in your mind. Example is you remember a visual image that evoke certain feeling. An external anchor is something external that influences you. Example is some music that reminds you of some experience associated with that music.

My friend Yateesh has chosen an external anchor for changing his mood. There comes a time in his life as is the case with each one of us when we ate not happy, in a low mood but can't afford to remain in that state for long due to personal and professional commitments. Whenever he is in such a situation he CLAPS 5 times. He has associated 5 times calps with mood revival, positive energy and quick action. Most often than this method had helped him come our of sombre mood quickly.

The anchors have helped me in almost all the situations that I used them.

You can choose internal or any type of external anchor that you are comfortable with and try this method. Try it for the next one week or so and check it out yourself. Do share your feedback.

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